Amchoor Powder Where To Buy
Amchur powder (Mango powder) is made from dried raw unripe green mangoes. Mango powder is used like lemon to give a tang without adding moisture/liquid. In Indian food, Amchur [mango powder] is used in dals & curry preparations.
Kichenhutt is a leading wholesale amchoor powder supplier in South Africa. We have been providing quality amchur powder at prices best suited to South African markets. Thanks to Kicthenhutt, purchasing amchur powder is just a matter of clicks.
Amchoor, amchur, or dry mango powder, is a famous Indian kitchen masala used in various north Indian dishes like dals and namkeens. This Indian masala is a powder of sun-dried and grounded raw mango slices. This tangy-flavored powder has a light beige or brown appearance. Dry mango powder is used along with the garam masala to give dishes a hint of sourness and tangy flavor.
Mango powder is made from raw green mangoes that are cut, sun-dried, and pounded into powder. Mango powder is used much like lemon is used in Western cooking; but it gives food a tangy, sour taste without adding moisture. Its tart flavor is used as a souring agent in soups, dals, vegetable dishes and chutneys. It is also sprinkled over meats to tenderize them before cooking.
Beyond adding flavor, color and taste to food, amchoor powder exudes numerous health benefits, as it contains many nutrients including vitamin A, E and C, as well as antioxidants (which is why it is used when preparing many Ayurvedic medicines). Rich in iron and known for being quite beneficial for pregnant women, amchoor improves immunity system performance in the body and is also quite beneficial for the skin and hair. Some have also found it to be a great substitute for costly beauty products and medicines, too, and it is believed that amchoor also helps control blood pressure as well as diabetes. (x)
Amchoor powder improves digestion and helps to fight acidity; mango exhibits powerful antioxidants, which ensures positive bowel movement activity and helps combat constipation and flatulence. There are some sources that believe consuming amchoor powder on a regular basis, by adding it to a cooking regimen, may help in improving the digestive system.
Amchoor powder contains essential elements such as vitamin A and vitamin E, which are important for the eyes, and as such it supports proper functioning of the hormone, thereby possibly improving eyesight via regular consumption. It also may prevent eye-related disease such as cataracts, as well.
Regular consumption of amchoor powder may help in taking care of the heart, and may help to improve cardiovascular health. It is also used in Ayurvedic medicines to keep the heart healthy and problem-free.
Amchoor powder can easily be replaced with tamarind powder; it boasts a sweet and sour flavor that works well with fish and vegetable curries. Additionally, three tablespoons of lemon or lime juice can be substituted for one teaspoon of amchoor.
You can purchase amchoor powder at The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor for pure dietary supplements. is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other brands that distribute food and other supplement products. All products at are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.
Beyond adding flavor, color and taste to food, amchoor powder exudes numerous health benefits, as it contains many nutrients including vitamin A, E and C, as well as antioxidants (which is why it is used when preparing many Ayurvedic medicines). Rich in iron and known for being quite beneficial for pregnant women, amchoor improves immunity system performance in the body and is also quite beneficial for the skin and hair. Some have also found it to be a great substitute for costly beauty products and medicines, too, and it is believed that amchoor also helps control blood pressure as well as diabetes.
Amchoor or aamchur or amchur, also referred to as mango powder, is a fruity spice powder made from dried unripe green mangoes and is used as a citrusy seasoning. It is mostly produced in India, and is used to flavor foods[1][2] and add the nutritional benefits of mangoes when the fresh fruit is out of season.[3]
To make amchoor, early-season mangoes are harvested while still green and unripe. Once harvested, the green mangoes are peeled, thinly sliced, and sun-dried. The dried slices, which are light brown and resemble strips of woody bark, can be purchased whole and ground by the individual at home, but the majority of the slices processed in this way are ground into fine powder and sold as ready-made amchoor.[4]
It has a honey-like fragrance and a sour fruity flavor and is a tart pale-beige-to-brownish powder. It is used in dishes where acidity is required, in stir fried vegetable dishes, soups, curries, and to tenderize meat and poultry. It is used to add a fruit flavor without adding moisture, or as a souring agent, and lends an acidic taste to the foods.[5]
Amchoor is a predominant flavoring agent used in Indian dishes[6] where it is used to add a sour tangy fruity flavor without moisture. It is used to flavor samosa and pakora fillings, stews and soups, fruit salads and pastries, curries, chutneys, pickles and dals and to tenderize meats, poultry, and fish. It is added to marinades for meat and poultry as an enzymatic tenderizer and lends its sourness to chutneys and pickles.[7] Amchoor is also a primary component of chaat masala, an Indian spice mix.[8]
Amchoor powder (Mango powder) is a widely used spice in Indian cuisine in dishes where acidity is required. Amchoor is made from unripe green mangoes. Amchoor has a distinctive sour flavour which makes its presence in dishes noticeable.
Dried unripe green mangoes are used to form this powder which provides a tart and tangy flavor. It is essentially a dried green mango powder. Helps to even out dishes bringing the acid to balance out salt, sugar and heat.
Tart, unripe mangoes are cut into slices and dried mechanically or by baking them in the sun. These leathery strips are then ground into powder called amchoor. Amchoor, as you can guess, is fruity, sweet, tart, and intensely sour from a large amount of citric acid.
Dry Mango powder, also known as Amchoor or amchur in Hindi is commonly used as a natural souring agent in Indian cooking. While, sour, Dry mango powder has fruity flavour and used in various curry and chutney preparations.
Unripe dried green mangoes used in dishes where acidity is required. Amchur Powder is used to add a sour, tangy, fruity flavor without adding moisture in northern Indian dishes. Used in stir fried vegetable dishes, soups, curries and to tenderize meat and poultry.
Amchur powder is a spice made from green mangoes that have been dried and ground. It is bursting with tart and sour taste which makes it popular in Indian dishes including vegetables, meats, fish, and curries. The flavor does a great job of balancing out hot and spicy food but can also work well as a meat tenderizer.
If you need to replace amchur powder in cooking then your best options are lemon juice, tamarind powder, citric acid powder, anardana, loomi, or sumac. Each of these ingredients is useful for adding a citrusy, tart flavor to meals. Keep reading to find out more about each of these options.
Tamarind fruits can be dried and processed into tamarind powder and are popular in southern parts of India and Southeast Asian cuisine. The spice is very sour on its own but makes a delicious addition to vegetable curries and fish.
Anardana may sound quite exotic but it is actually dried pomegranate powder. Although not so popular in western cooking it is revered in Indian cuisine as a fantastic ingredient for adding tangy flavor to curries.
East End Amchoor Powder comes in a 100g pack. This contains powdered unripe mangos. The mangos are harvested when still green; they are then sliced, dried and ground. It is a popular ingredient in North India.
Commonly used in Indian cooking; Amchoor is great for adding to curries, soups, fruit salads, chutneys, pickles and when creating marinades. The powder retains a sweet taste which should be used sparingly with it packing three times as much power as lemon juice. This is a must try ingredient to bring you an authentic Indian taste.
A variety of North Indian and Punjabi recipes use Amchur Powder (Dry Mango Powder) and dried pomegranate seeds powder to get a slight hint of sourness in them. While tamarind, kokum and lemon are common souring agents in Western and South India, you would not find these in Northern parts of India.
How is it made: Raw, green, unripe mango chips or strips are first sunbathed for a few days till they turn dried, brittle and crisp. Then, these mango pieces are powdered finely. This is the reason Amchoor Powder is called Dry Mango Powder in English.
Amchur is a pale-beige-to-brownish powder prepared from dried and unripe-green mangoes. It has a sour-fruity flavor and is often used as a citrusy seasoning. It lends an acidic brightness to the foods it is added to. It is a predominant flavoring agent in the North Indian dishes.
Amchur powder is a pale-beige-to-brownish powder prepared from dried and unripe-green mangoes. Dry Mango Powder tastes a sour-fruity flavor and is often used as a citrusy seasoning. It lends an acidic brightness to the foods it is added to. Often used as a predominant flavoring agent in the North Indian dishes.
Editor: Amchur (also spelled amchoor) powder is a very sour and tangy spice made from green mangos that have been dried and powdered. It is used to add sourness to recipes, much like one would use vinegar or lemon juice.
Amchoor is a bigtime flavour enhancer in Indian cuisine. It is essentially unripe green mango that has been dried and powdered. Typically amchoor is used as a source of sourness, such as lemon or tamarind, but amchoor also retains some of the sweetness of mango. Knowing how to use amchoor in a variety of cooking contexts is an important skill to have if you want to make authentic Indian food at home. It also comes in handy for Many western cooking application, and comes in extremely handy during those times when you're all out of fresh lemon. 59ce067264
Very informative content. Mobiles