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This is what they think about you.


Updated: Dec 15, 2023

bigotry at a basketball game

For into a malicious soul wisdom shall not enter; nor dwell in the body that is subject unto sin. For the ruach ha'qodesh of discipline will flee deceit, and remove from thoughts that are without understanding, and will not abide when unrighteousness comes in. For wisdom is a loving ruach; and will not acquit a blasphemer of his words: for Elohiym is witness of his mind, and a true beholder of his heart, and a hearer of his tongue. For the Ruach Yahuah fills the world: and that which contains all things has knowledge of the voice. Therefore he that speaks unrighteous things cannot be hid: neither shall vengeance, when it punishes, pass by him. For inquisition shall be made into the counsels of wicked men: and the sound of his words shall come unto Yahuah for the manifestation of his wicked deeds. CHOKMAH SHALOMAH (WISDOM OF SOLOMON) 1:4-9 את CEPHER

Fans and supporters of Earl Stevens aka E-40 are furious with the unbalanced ejection of one VIP over heckling spectators at the playoff game of warriors and kings the new book because of what they perceive as a “history of racism” from co-authors Linda Antonsson and Elio M. García Jr. Fans’ dismay with Antonsson and Garcia dates to well before George R.R. Martin’s fantasy epic was adapted for HBO. The husband-and-wife writing team has collaborated with Martin for years, serving as fact-checkers for some of his latest works, according to Variety. Together, Antonsson and García created together, an online blog dedicated to the series. Fans responded in outrage, many calling out the problematic behavior and “history of racism” of his coauthors, “I will not be buying anything with Linda and Elio attached to it,” one wrote, while others urged Martin to sever ties with the pair. Antonsson and García founded the online forum in 1999, leading author Martin to bring the duo on as “fact-checkers” for his novel “A Feast for Crows.” In 2014, Antonsson and García served as co-authors on the illustrated “The World of Ice & Fire.” Antonsson’s blog posts over the past decade have criticized the TV adaptations of Martin’s works with expletive-filled rants about the accuracy of skin color and depictions of sexual violence. Most recently, Antonsson wrote that the casting of Steve Toussaint as Corlys on “House of the Dragon” was unacceptable because “there are no Black Valyrians and there should not be any in the show.” Actor Toussaint spoke out about being “racially abused on social media” ahead of the series premiere. The superfans have been collaborating with Martin since before HBO’s hit adaptation of his “A Song of Ice and Fire” books. Soon after Antonsson and García created online forum in 1999, Martin recruited them as fact-checkers for his book “A Feast for Crows.” In 2014, they served as coauthors on “The World of Ice & Fire,” an illustrated companion book for the series of novels. Antonsson addressed the claims and fan backlash to her involvement in Martin’s “The Rise of the Dragon” book, telling Variety that fans are only criticizing “cherry-picked statements stripped of context.” Antonsson said it is bothersome to be “labeled a racist, when my focus has been solely on the world building.” She noted that “diversity should not trump story” when adapting Martin’s works for the screen. “If George had indeed made the Valyrians Black instead of white, as he mused on his ‘Not a Blog’ in 2013, and this new show proposed to make the Velaryons anything other than Black, we would have had the same issue with it and would have shared the same opinion,” Antonsson said, while adding that changing the ethnicity or race of fictional characters “raises all sorts of logical questions.”


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